Peer Teaching

                           Peer Teaching

Peer teaching is the second phase of teaching practicals for a teacher trainee.In peer teaching a teacher trainee teaches the content to theirs own peers in a group of minimum five students for around 25-30 minutes.Here the peers only act as students for that respective class, and the other five peers act as observers for that lesson and provide their feedback on teacher trainee performance.

Light ,Shadow and reflection

This lesson is from standard VII, I had taken one  sub topic of this lesson i.e.  Transparent, translucent and opaque. I had given different worksheet to solve on this lesson. I had shown chart  on Transparent , Translucent and opaque. 

                                                        Conservation of Plants and Animals

This lesson is from standard VII, In this lesson i had taken subtopic effects of deforestation. I shown them throgh worksheet different effects of deforestion. I shown them chart also.


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